Provides the immune system what it needs to fight disease
Promotes heart and organ health
Source of essential nutrients (which are nutrients your body CANNOT produce on its own)
Joint and bone health

Blueberry is used for preventing cataracts and glaucoma and for treating ulcers, urinary tract infections, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, colic, fever, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids.
Many people are interested in grape seed extract because it contains antioxidants. These are substances that protect cells from damage and may help prevent many diseases.

Pomegranate is used for conditions of the heart and blood vessels, including high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, heart attack, hardening of the arteries, and high cholesterol.
The therapeutic use of raspberry leaf was first described in 1597 in a book called "The Herbal" or "A General History of Plants." Today, red raspberry leaf and fruits are still used as medicine.

Alfalfa is used for kidney conditions, bladder and prostate conditions, and to increase urine flow. It is also used for high cholesterol, asthma, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, upset stomach, and a bleeding disorder called thrombocytopenic purpura.
Spirulina is primarily taken as a nutritional supplement. The algae itself is nutritious, and as well as having vitamins and minerals, Spirulina is a non-animal source of Vitamin B12. However Vitamin B12 in this form cannot be absorbed by people.

Broccoli is used for preventing cancer of the prostate, breast, colon, bladder, and stomach. Some people also use it for boosting the effectiveness of the immune system.
Wheat Grass
Wheat Grass is used to treat various disorders of the urinary tract, including infection of the bladder, urethra, and prostate; benign hypertrophy, kidney stones, and in irrigation therapy, the use of a mild diuretic along with lots of fluids to increase urine flow.

Ashitaba is used for heartburn reflux disease, stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, gout, constipation, and hay fever. It is also used for cancer, smallpox, fluid retention, blood clots, and food poisoning. Women use it to increase the flow of breast milk.
Elderberry is used for the flu (influenza), H1N1 swine flu, HIV/AIDS, and boosting the immune system. It is also used for sinus pain, back and leg pain (sciatica), nerve pain (neuralgia), and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).